Track your results.

See the history of your Quality Scores daily from the time you joined Tenscores. Follow their progress as you optimize.

Historical timeline

View historical account, campaign, ad group or keyword Quality Score in beautiful timeline, not a data table.

Google Ads Quality Score History

Compare with other metrics

See how it improves your metrics, from clicks to avg. CPC.

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Updated daily

Everyday is a new day, and so your Quality Scores are automatically fetched daily.

Daily Updates

Can be updated manually

When you've just made important changes to your account, you can update them manually and get fresh data.

Manual Updates

Export to csv

Get the flexibility to use your data as you wish with a CSV export.

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Try it free for 14 days

Quality Score has always been the recognition of how search practitioners are optimising their accounts. By using TenScores to capture the trend, we can see which of the optimisations have had the biggest impact.” Adrian Cutler, Formerly Head Of Performance Products At iProspect